April 12, 2011


After talking with that cute guy in my picture tonight, I came to re-realize (is that even a word?!) how wise God was when He made men and women differently. What would I do if my boyfriend personalized every comment I made (like women do)? What would we do in a conflict if we both stonewalled (like men do)? God was such a genius to make us different.

But why do women often think the way God made men is wrong? And why do men often think the way God made women is wrong? It's not wrong. Just different!

I've been listening to the Love & Respect cds a lot lately and have been astounded at the accurracy of the speaker's points. I come to see again and again how well men and women compliment each other and how each gender, male and female, reflect aspects of the God we love!

He is so good to us! He reveals Himself to us through each other! Oh how He loves us!

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