January 10, 2011


"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Ok so I (intellectually) know that this verse is true. Does it ring true in my heart? Do I really trust God enough to follow this verse completely? I can say that "all things work together for good" all I want, but if I don't love God and follow His purpose, is it really true for me?

Going through hard times makes me want to cling to this verse. But will God really come through? More importantly, will I trust Him and completely follow Him?

January 6, 2011


Hmmm... I just looked through some of my old diaries from past years. I also found my highschool graduation in my highschool's newspaper. Talk about a change!!
Funny? It doesn't seem so right now. Change hurts and stretches us in ways we don't think we can go. Change is unpleasant.
However, I look back to when I was in middle school. I was sure I was going to marry a boy in my youth group. When I (slowly) realized he didn't ever like me, I was devastated. My "life plans" changed and I was broken. But God takes the broken person and reconstructs someone more and more like Him.
If change, however unpleasant and uncomfortable, means conforming to the image of Christ, am I willing to be broken? I know the "right" answer is "YES!", but right now I don't want to say yes. I don't want pain.
Age-old story, huh? Wanting the reward without paying the price. I want God to help me change my attitude about change!

January 5, 2011


I was storming down the sidewalk. It was pretty chilly outside, and my breath came out in frosty puffs as I hurried towards the cafeteria. My "to do" list was sprinting through my mind, and I felt so overwhelmed that my eyes threatened to spill tears. In an attempt to avoid embarrassing puffy red eyes and tear streaks down my cheeks at supper, I looked up into the sky. What I saw stopped me in my tracks.

Through the trees and the tall dorm buildings, I saw a glimpse of colorful radiance. Clouds streamed to the right and left of the big, old sun as he kissed them with orange, pink, blue, purple, and yellow goodnight kisses. I looked at that sunset, completely in awe of not just the beauty, but of the beutiful Creator who made the sun to rise and set at precisely the right time every day.

He is so constant. He is so wise. And to think, He cares about me.

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

Hallelujah, what a Friend!

Saving, Helping, Keeping, Loving,

He is with me to the end!